hop to #bottom

wet_if_page: Check for page numbers in paginated article lists

Check for page number(s) in article lists

wet_if_page is a conditional tag. In article list mode, it takes a comma separated list…


Use cookies in through Textpattern markup

this plugin deals with cookies the Textpattern way. It is works almost in the same…


Hide text when Txp tags return no output

This tag may be used to determine whether some contained Txp tags output any data, allowing the conditional output of accompanying static markup, like a header or a “no articles found” message.


If comment preview

One-line conditional plugin whose contents only appear if the user is on a comment preview…


conditional statements for GET variables

a plugin that lets you condition parts of the page depending on GET variables transferred…


Category conditional

This plugin was formerly mdm_if_category and has since been adopted as gho_if_category.


Conditional on Article ID

This Checks if the current article matches the given IDs. Usage There are 2 Methods:…


Conditionally include enclosed text based on the user agent of the browser viewing the page.

ako_ifBrowser, conditionally include enclosed text based on the user agent of the browser viewing the page.


Display a notice if a section has been updated

I created this plugin for a class website with a section that does not often…


if_individual_article and if_article_list replacements

tcm_if provides tags to replace the <txp:if_individual_article> and <txp:if_article_list> tags, for those having problems with those built-in conditionals.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern