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Output an unordered list of the most recent comments

In the current version, the recent_comments tag from Dean isn’t working like I want it. I want an unordend list, like the other lists (recent articles, related etc.) So I made my own plugin that I can use till Dean fixed the list problem (cause it should work in my opinion).


Section Menu

Creates a menu from your sections.


Upcoming Events List

Creates a list of future, live articles.


Highlights the current article or current section.

This plugin highlights the current article or current section.


Displays a list of all articles in a section

djw_section_articles will spit out a list of links to all of the articles in the current section.


Popup category list

A context-sensitive popup category list for Textpattern, shows only categories associated with the current section.…


Displays a list of the most commented-upon articles.

The purpose of Chatometer is to list articles by the number of comments they receive.…


Related articles by keywords

This plug-in behaves the same as related_articles except that it searches for keywords as well.…


section-aware automatic section and article menus

The rdt_dynamenus plugin automagically generates section-aware menus of sections and articles and ensures that they are automagically updated whenver new sections or articles are added to the website.


Recent articles in a dropdown list

akh_selrecent is a modified (and seperate) version of txp:recent_articles. it outputs exactly the same information…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern