hop to #bottom


Create social links for your articles (support for facebook®, Twitter®, G+®, Pinterest®, Tumblr®, Pocket®, Instapaper®, Linkedin®, Reddit®, Dribbble®) with an icon (optional and in SVG format) a share counting (optional), total share count (optional) plus all needed Open Graph meta tags for your head document (if applicable).


A replacement for upm_savenew.

Copy the current article content to a new one.


Swap "Body" and "Excerpt" input fields

Puts the “Excerpt” field before the “Body” in Write tab.


A Social Bookmarking Plugin

A simple Textpattern plugin for easily adding links to share pages on various social media…


pat-hyphenate: a Textpattern CMS plugin for typography lovers & exigent designers that automatic makes hyphenation in web page contents using soft hyphens

pat_hyphenate a Textpattern CMS plugin for typography lovers & exigent designers that automatic makes hyphenation in web page contents using soft hyphens.


sections come first in a form of a prompt

Present authors with a section prompt before opening up the Write panel’s editor.


Extended article_custom tag

Extended <txp:article_custom /> tag Change log: v0.2.4: added support <txp:else /> added attributes category1, category2,…


output_form with parameters

Answers an old question – again – from the forum: Passing variables through txp:output_form


A spoiler plugin that gives you foldable areas

This plugin gives you the power to create fold-able boxes, that you can click on to hide or show. Just as you know it from many forums.


Need to have a default article status other than _Live_? Well now you can.

Need to have a default article status other than Live? Well now you can. Just…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern