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This plugin helps two other plugins co-exist peacefully: the full-page caching of asy_jpcache and the powerful form processing of zem_contact_reborn (ZCR). These plugins usually clash due to the way ZCR fights spam.

If you have problems getting the plugin to work properly, please let me know by posting a message in the plugin’s support thread on the Textpattern forum.

About aam_zcr_clearcache

The anti-spam measures built into zem_contact_reborn can cause conflicts with the full-page caching plugin asy_jpcache. When a ZCR form is cached after submission, one person filling out a form can prevent another person from filling out the same form a few minutes later. Instead of a thank you message, everyone else who submits that form receives a “form already used” error until the cached version of the page expires. This error is caused by a conflict between the full-page caching of asy_jpcache and the hidden codes used by ZCR to fight spam.

The aam_zcr_clearcache plugin prevents “form already used” errors by making asy_jpcache treat ZCR forms the same as it treats comment forms: the cache gets cleared whenever a ZCR form is submitted.

Important Note

This plugin only works to prevent “form already used” errors that occur when using zem_contact_reborn and asy_jpcache together.

You may also see “form expired” errors if your cache expiration time is set too high. I explain how to fix this in my blog post about this plugin.


Just install and activate. No template tags are required for this plugin to work.


This plugin and its documentation are copyright © 2007 Adam Messinger, and are provided under the terms of the BSD License.

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Posted here:
25 Aug 2007

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