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The rss_google_map plugin displays locations on a Google Map. It can either display a single location as passed into the plugin, or multiple addresses from articles.

Option 1

  1. When calling the plugin, specify the address, city, state and zip code of the location you want to map. (example: <txp:rss_google_map address="1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW" city="Washington" state="DC" zip="20500" />)
  2. When the plugin is called, the address is looked up using the Yahoo! Maps geocoding service.
  3. If the location is found, the coordinates are added to the Google Map display using the Phoogle Maps PHP class.

Option 2

  1. You designate which custom fields in an article contain address data. By default, custom fields 1 – 4 are used.
  2. Set the address fields in a new article.
  3. When the plugin is called, the addresses are looked up using the Yahoo! Maps geocoding service.
  4. If the location is found, the coordinates are added to the Google Map display using the Phoogle Maps PHP class.

How To Use the Plugin

  1. Go get a Google Maps API Key. Its free, and you need a unique key for each domain you use the plugin on.
  2. Add the <txp:rss_google_map_js apikey="xxx" /> tag to the <head> section of your page. Set the apikey attribute using the key you just got.
  3. Add the <txp:rss_google_map /> tag to the <body> section of your page. Set the attributes as you like per the options below.
  4. If using option #2, write an article to the section and/or category you have specified in your rss_google_map options. (example: <txp:rss_google_map section="locations" category="office-maps" />)
  5. Publish and you’re mapped!
Article Request Count:
Initially released:
27 January 2006
Posted here:
25 Aug 2006

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