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This plugin is a modified version of rvm_maintenance by Ruud van Melick. It allows you to take the entire public website offline for maintenance in a few clicks. Anyone attempting to access the public part of the website (including logged users) will then see in the default Textpattern error template for an HTTP 503 error instead (error_503 if available, otherwise error_default), including a custom message of your choice which will be displayed by the <txp: error_message /> tag in the template. A “503 – unavailable” HTTP header will be sent along the error template in order to notify bots that they must come back later.

The admin interface will always remain online. A small warning message will be shown at the top of the admin pages as long as the website is in maintenance mode.


Simply activating the plugin will not take your website offline until the cbs_maintenance_mode_enabled setting is set to true (see below).


The plugin settings are located in the “Publish” section of the main settings panel.

  • cbs_maintenance_mode_enabled: Boolean, when set to true maintenance mode will be enabled and the public website will be taken offline, displaying the default error template for an HTTP 503 error. The admin interface will also display a warning message at the top of every page. Set to false to take the website back online when maintenance is complete. Default is false.
  • cbs_maintenance_mode_message: The message that will be shown by the <txp: error_message /> tag in the error template when the public website is offline. Default is “The website is currently under maintenance. Please come back later.”.

Changes history

v0.3 (2008-12-05)

  • Added a warning message at the top of the admin pages while the website is in maintenance mode.
  • Improved documentation.

v0.2 (2008-12-02)

  • Delayed the plugin loading to prevent errors from occuring when conditional comments are present in the default error form.

v0.1 (2008-11-16)

  • Initial release.
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Posted here:
16 Nov 2008

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Published with Textpattern