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Note: Clean URLs” must be enabled.

This plug-in allows you to link author names to a section containing an article per author, much like bos_author, but also provides some extra behind-the-scenes glue between author sections and article searches by author name.

The following preferences need to be set and can be later changed from the “mta_author_section” tab under the “Extensions” tab:

  • Author section name – The section you intend to store author bio/profile articles.
  • Author article title as – Whether you want the author’s bio/profile article’s title to be their real name or user ID.

It also implements the following single tags:



The mta_author tag has the following syntactic structure:

<txp:mta_author />


The mta_author tag will accept the following attribute (note: attributes are case sensitive):


When set to 1, returns a link to the author’s article in the author section, otherwise returns just the author’s name if set to 0. Available values: 0 or 1 (default).


When set to realname, returns the user’s full name or returns the user’s ID if set to id. Available values: id or realname (default).


<txp:mta_author link="0" display="id" />



The mta_author_article tag has the following syntactic structure:

<txp:mta_author_article />


The mta_author_article tag is an extension of the built-in article_custom tag, so it accepts the same attributes. The only modification is to the following attribute:


Restrict to articles by specified author, otherwise restrict to the current author search if left blank. Default is unset, so restrict to the current author search.


<mta_author_article section="article" />

Change Log

v0.1 Initial release.

Article Request Count:
Initially released:
Posted here:
14 Oct 2008

You know you want to visit the Archives.
Published with Textpattern