Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Hungarian transalation for TXP!

Hungarian Language file

So, I’ve decided to take the textpattern to my mother language.

Japanese-izing of Textpattern

Textpattern �日本語化

コンテンツ・マãƒ?ージメント・システム (CMS) ã?®ä¸€ã?¤ã?§ã?‚ã‚‹ Textpattern ã?®ç·¨é›†ç”»é?¢ã‚’日本語ã?«ã?—ã?¦ã?¿ã?¾ã?—ã?Ÿã€‚以下ã?¯ã??ã?®æ‰‹é †ã‚’ã?¾ã?¨ã‚?ã?Ÿã‚‚ã?®ã?§ã?™ã€‚Textpattern ã?«é–¢ã?—ã?¦ã?¯ã€?[TXP] Textpattern ã?¨ã?¯ ã‚’ã?”覧下ã?•ã?„。 Read the rest at the Information…

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Published with Textpattern