when the default search is not enough
In its simplest form, <txp:etc_search /> acts like the built-in Textpattern search, digging articles’ title…
In its simplest form, <txp:etc_search /> acts like the built-in Textpattern search, digging articles’ title…
Summary This plugin gives you a way of searching the database from within TXP Admin.…
Using a dropdown select list, browse all main content types on the admin side by Category (and Section for Articles). Replaces lam_browse_by.
Searches pages, forms, articles and sections for references to a given text string so you can find where you have used plugins or forms and thus find ones that are no longer required.
Search and replace. Pretty basic functionality. Allows you to search and replace any occurrence of text in your articles (title, body, excerpt areas)
Offers people searching your site the ability to mis-spell or badly type words and still…
Outputs what search score the article got. The default search in textpattern does not add…
The rss_if_search_results plugin allows for the conditional display of data when search results are (or…
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