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Allows you to assign Technorati-specific tags to your articles, as described on the Technorati tag help page. You may enter your article-specific Technorati tagnames in either the custom “Keywords” field, or into any custom field (recommended).

Note – you may have to use this plugin in combination with a hack if you want the tags to appear in your RSS/Atom feeds. I recently posted a hack to the Textpattern forum that is corollary to this plugin. It is pretty much the best and easiest solution that I’ve found (there are other additional methods in that discussion thread that you may find equally or more useful). But a plugin is a plugin, and you may have better luck using just the plugin, just a hack, or a combination of the two.

Why not just use categories?

There are many Technorati tags that most likely won’t match your categories, like Computers+and+Internet. This way you get the freedom to assign an article to as many tags as possible without worrying about having corresponding Txp categories. Plus, Textpattern currently (1.0RC2) doesn’t allow for more than two categories per article. Plus, tags are cool.

Article Request Count:
Initially released:
15 January 2005
Posted here:
11 Apr 2005

You know you want to visit the Archives.
Published with Textpattern