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Last Site Modified

Shows the date/time of the last update to your site.


Customizable comment time.

Allows you to override comment date/time format.


Posted Dates for Links

This plugin is not needed anymore, the functionality is now available in the core (v.4.0.4).…


Display current date/time

Display current date/time.


Date-based archive

Displays a nested list of articles grouped by year, month and day.


Use any date format

tcm_fundate is a drop-in replacement for txp:posted. It allows you to use basically any date format that you would like – using php’s date function.


Countdown time to a given date

This plugin will display how long time it is until a given date and when that date is reached it will display whatever text you want.


Make the posted date linkable to date-archives

I put together an alternative to the standard <txp:posted/> tag. The major addition is that each part of the date (year, month and day) will be hyperlinked.


Use old posted format in RC3

This plugin allows you to use the old date formatting beyond rc2.


Last updated date and time

tcm_lastupdate returns the date and time of your site’s last update (the last article posted). It uses the same options as txp:posted.

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern