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Conditional on Article ID

This Checks if the current article matches the given IDs. Usage There are 2 Methods:…


A plugin to generate html for rendering text in multiple columns.

This is a little plugin that makes columns by taking any html (usually article bodies)…


Category format based on number of categories. Edited version.

This plugin was originally released by Doug Kaiser II and recently brought back from the…


Open 'Advanced Options' by default

This is a pretty simple plugin but a useful replacement for the Advanced Options open…


Custom stylesheets per article

Allows for conditional stylesheets on a per-article basis.

article vs. article_custom

difference between txp:article and txp:article_custom

<txp:article /> is NOT the same as <txp:article_custom />
They cannot be interchanged. This is perhaps one of the most common confusions for Textpatterners.


Inserts images with CSS drop shadows into articles

The plugin inserts images with CSS drop shadows into articles.
By default it will also generate popup code to open a scaled new window with the bigger image after clicking on the thumbnail.


Modified Recent Articles

A version of recent articles that allows ability to filter list by section, and change starting point of list


Extends styling and options of recent_articles

This plugin gives you the recent articles and opens up to style it a little bit more than the orginal.


Display the date (and author) of the last modification to an article

This plugin uses the same syntax as <txp:posted /> but outputs the last-modified date instead.…

All 1086 articles are stored in the treasure rooms that are the Archives.
Published with Textpattern