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Advanced Options open by default

When you’re writing an article in Textpattern, there is a link on the left for ‘Advanced Options’. Clicking it opens many new options, such as an override forms, custom fields, keywords, etc. By default, these Advanced Options are hidden until clicked open. If you would like it to be open by default, then here’s how to do it:

  1. find textpattern/include/txp_article.php

  2. search for <div id="advanced" style="display:none;">

  3. change the display:none (or display:hidden as it may be) to display:block

That’s it.

Thanks to obeewan for this.

*edit: there is now the rss_admin_show_adv_opts plugin to achieve this same result

Article Request Count:
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Posted here:
26 Nov 2004

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