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TXP Red Train

red train

Just when you thought it was safe I’ve finished porting Red Train to TXP. This isn’t one of my full-blown systems and is only suitable for TXP 4.0 and up. Why? Because I haven’t used a single plug-in. I’m steering clear of them until there is a more concerted effort to get them updated. I’m using the standard search box and results have been styled. There are About and Contact pages built-in but no form mailer is used. If you want archives I’ll leave that up to the user.

This should make it a lot easier for newcomers to install whilst still giving them a few pointers on the basics of setting up a TXP site.

Article Request Count:
Initially released:
16 09 2005
Posted here:
17 Sept 2005

You know you want to visit the Archives.


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