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htn_feedstats Demo

htn_feedstats is a plugin to get the number of your current Feedsubscribers via the Feedburner-API. The plugin has a build-in caching-function to preserve your server-performance. The condition for using this plugin is that you host your feed on the Feedburner-Service and active the “FeedCount”-Option.


<txp:htn_feedstats />



  • id: The ID of the feed you want to check, alternatively you can also use “name”.
    The “id” OR “name” have to be given to use this plugin.
  • name: The name of the feed you want to check, can be found in your Feedburner-Center. Alternatively you can use “id”.


  • show: Here you dan define what you want to output from the Feedburner-API. Default is “readers”. Other values can be “hits” and “reach”.
  • cache: Enables or disables the caching-function of the plugin. If enabled, you have to create a file where the plugin can write the cached data. Default is “1”, “0” disables the function.
  • cachefile: The Path to the cachfile. Before you use this, you have to create the file. If the Caching-File doesnt exist, the Caching will automaticly get disabled till the file exist. Default is “files/feedcache.txt”. So you can upload any file named “feedcache.txt” via your file-backend and everything will be fine. If you create the file via FTP you have to give it CHMOD777.
  • cachetime: The time (in seconds) that the plugin will cache the data in the cachefile. After x seconds the plugin will automaticly update the data from the Feedburner-API. Default is “21600”, so the plugin will update every six hours. This is usefull because the Feedburner-API updates only once a day.


Before you can use this Plugin, you have to enable the “FeedCount” – Option in your Feedburner-Account. The Option can be found under “Your Feed” -> “Publicize” -> “FeedCount”.


I hardly recommend to use the caching-function of this plugin. If you dont use the caching-function, the plugin will query the Feedburner-API everytime a user requests any of your pages, which results in a three or four-times higher parsing-time.

Article Request Count:
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Posted here:
29 Aug 2007

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