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The Facebook Link plugin pulls and displays a specified Facebook Page wall posts into the flow of your website. You can limit the number of posts pulled and style them using the provided parameters. This only works for Facebook Pages not on individual user walls.
Standard Textpattern installation procedure. Copy the TXT file to Admin->Plugins and activate. You will need to register a Facebook App at facebook.com/developers to get an App ID and App Secret for accessing FB data.
1) page = Required. Enter the page ID or name to pull from
2) limit = Optional. Will default to 5.
Full documentation and available tags can be found in the plugins help file once installed (Admin->Plugins).
Place the tag < txp:hdd_fb_link page=“YOUR PAGE ID” > where you want the post displayed in your template. Utilize a host of other tags (all included in the help docs) to display and format the feed data. Then just close the link with < /txp:hdd_fb_link>