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This plugin allows you to globally override the default language of your Textpattern installation for some specific sections. You can use any installed language for any section, but you can only use one language per section.


Please check first in the language administration panel that all the languages you want to use are installed.


The plugin settings are located in the “Publish” section of the advanced settings panel.

  • cbs_section_language_sections: Comma-separated list of the names of the sections where you want to override the default language. For the homepage, specify “default” as section name. Whitespaces are allowed before and after commas.
  • cbs_section_language_languages: Comma-separated list of language codes, matching each section of the cbs_section_language_sections setting above. A language code consists of a two-letter language acronym, followed by a hyphen, followed by a two-letter country acronym, for example: “en-us” or “fr-fr”. Whitespaces are allowed before and after commas.

Changes history

v0.2 (2008-11-15)

  • First public release.

v0.1 (2006)

  • Private release.
Article Request Count:
Initially released:
Posted here:
15 Nov 2008

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Published with Textpattern