Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Jukka Svahn
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This plugin is deemed useless and its development has been dropped. Rah_google_translate was a widget that generated preset HTML. And fact is, this plugin isn’t needed for that markup. It’s very easy to generate the same output and functionality with Textpattern’s core tags, which also gives you more flexibility than rah_google_translate’s widget could provide.

Functionality wise what the plugin ever did was to link to Google’s Translation service’s end-point links. This links have the following format:{url}&langpair={from}|{to}

Where u parameter is the translated page’s URL and langpair consists of the site’s language and the translated language (i.e. en|de). An working translation URL would like this:|fi

Which translates into a form painlessly. The following snippet generates a working translation form that has the same structure as rah_google_translate’s widget:

<form method="get" action="">
	<input type="hidden" name="u" value="<txp:site_url /><txp:php> echo ltrim(page_url(array('type' => 'page_url')), '/'); </txp:php>" />
	<select name="langpair">
		<option value="en|de">German</option>
		<option value="en|fi">Finnish</option>
	<button type="submit">Translate this page</button>

There you have it. The same thing, no plugin required. More flexibility. The snippet uses site_url and page_url to generate the current (translated) page’s location. Page_url provides the requested URL, while site_url gives out the site’s url.

Article Request Count:

Archived [?]: not-needed, dropped

Initially released:
Posted here:
30 Oct 2008

You know you want to visit the Archives.
Published with Textpattern