Content last modified Tuesday 24 August 2021
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Link Template 2 File

A simple export script that iterates through your forms, templates and css and exports them to a folder. The second script updates the database with the exported files.

Changes to v 0.3.1

  1. Added addslashes function to template-import.php (thank you uHunkler)

Changes to v 0.3

  1. Only import files when they have changed
  2. Displays notice to user when file is updated
  3. Added option to import templates if not already in database or ignore

Future Updates

  1. Cleanup code and add functions
  2. Setup as a multifunction page (drop down to select import/export)
  3. Remove option to import new templates to database. instead display new template’s name with a link to add template into db.
  4. Require user authentication (require txp cookie)
Article Request Count:
Initially released:
Posted here:
24 Jun 2005

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