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This is a simple plugin that helps you keep your copyright message bang up to date.

It can generate a copyright message in the format:

copyright-section date-section owner-section


copyright-section owner-section date-section

All three sections can be customised/controlled by attributes of the plugin’s tag and the owner-section can be formatted as a hyperlink.

By default the date-section will be a range (startyear—endyear) where startyear is the year of the earliest posted article in your TXP installation and endyear is the year of the last update to any article. If the start and end years are the same then a single date will be output.

This effectively means you (and your clients) can forget about having to do copyright notice maintenance: because it’s all driven from the DB content.

If you want a copyright message of a different format then there is a helper tag that can just get the date range for you.

Updated to v1.0 (May 10th, 2006)

No new functionality but fixes an incompatibility with ied_plugin_composer.

Please check out the sed_copyright homepage.

or the forum thread for more details.

Credit where it is due: this plugin was inspired by an article on Nathan Smith’s website.

If you want to give feedback/comments then please use the Forum thread or the plugin’s homepage (both below).

Article Request Count:
Initially released:
May 1st, 2006
Posted here:
02 May 2006

You know you want to visit the Archives.
Published with Textpattern