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Prizm Cloud is a document viewer that enables you to display hundreds of different kinds of files on your website without worrying about whether your visitors have the software to view them and without installing any additional hardware or software. The document files stay on your server, so you can update, edit and change them any time. Prizm Cloud supports more than 300 file types, including DOC, PDF, PPT, XLS and CAD.

You can view our demo, our how-to’s, and our community. We also have a github repository with a wiki.

You will need to sign up for a Prizm Cloud account, but don’t worry, it’s completely free.


This plugin will add a new button above the content editor entitled ‘Insert Prizm Cloud Document Viewer’. This button will launch a dialog that will allow you to customize all the features of the viewer, including the document URL, the width and height, the toolbar color, and you can even choose to disable the print button.


We’re constantly adding new features and support for additional documents. You can help by telling us what you need. Visit us at and let us know what we can do to improve the viewer.

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01 Aug 2013

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