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Compare Two Documents Online

This plugin allows you to seamlessly install and use the GroupDocs’ online document comparison app on your Textpattern website. With it, your website visitors can compare two documents online, right on your Textpattern web pages.

How The Plugin Works

Once installed, the plugin allows you to seamlessly embed the GroupDocs Comparison app UI into any page on your website. Using the interface, visitors can easily upload two versions of a document from their local or cloud storage. The uploaded documents are merged and automatically compared through GroupDocs Comparison API. The merged document is then displayed on the web-page, highlighting differences between the two documents with a redline view approach: deleted text is marked with strike-outs, added text with underlines.

Which Types of Documents Can Be Compared?

GroupDocs Comparison allows users to compare all common Microsoft Office document formats and PDFs. Users don’t need to download or install any 3rd party software or browser plugins – documents can be compared online, in any modern web-browser. Supported document formats include:

Word-processing documents (DOC, DOCX, DOCM, DOT, DOTM, DOTX, TXT, RTF, ODT)
Excel spreadsheets (XLS, XLSX, CSV)
PowerPoint presentations (PPT, PPTX)
HTML documents
PDF documents


Please note. To use this plugin, you need to register with GroupDocs. first. We offer a free 14-day trial so that you can test everything before buying our service.

For a detailed instruction on how to install the module, please see the help documentation.

More Questions?

See all features and benefits of the GroupDocs’ Online Document Comparison app.

Also, please feel free to contact us for any additional information and help.

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